Dental emergencies

Dental emergencies are serious. They develop sometimes after improper care, but most of the time a dental emergency is caused by some form of trauma. You’ll know when you’re having one.

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms you may require urgent dental care:

  • Missing teeth
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Missing dental filling
  • Severe pain, swelling, or redness
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Infection or pus in the soft tissue

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact Philley Dentistry immediately. We will get you in today and ensure that you receive the emergency dental services you require.

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What To Do If You Need Emergency Dental Care

A dental emergency can and will happen at any time. They don’t happen on a schedule and can happen to anyone, young or old. They’re also incredibly painful. When we’re in pain we don’t think clearly. We just want the pain to stop. If you’re having a dental emergency, take the following steps:

  • Determine If You Have Other Injuries

    If you’re having a dental emergency as the result of trauma, first determine if you have any other injuries. If you do, seek medical care before visiting a dentist.

    Dental emergencies may be painful, but they often aren’t life-threatening.

  • Save Your Damaged Tooth/Teeth

    If your dental emergency is the result of trauma, it’s best if you can save your tooth, teeth, crown, or implant. If you can, put it back in the socket. If you can’t, keep it in your mouth or a glass of milk until you see us.

    We may still be able to save your natural tooth if you protect it and bring it to us.

  • Contact An Emergency Dentist

    If you aren’t in any danger, contact an emergency dentist. If you need emergency dental care in Tyler, TX, contact Philley Dentistry and we’ll arrange a same-day emergency appointment.

Emergency Visits Fast

Contact Us Today

If you need emergency dentistry in Tyler, TX, contact Philley Dentistry today. We’ll have you in the same day for an evaluation.

903-581-0581 Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

What constitutes a dental emergency?

A dental emergency typically includes moderate to severe pain, swelling, and general discomfort that interferes with your life. These kinda of problems seldom fix themselves and require intervention sooner rather than later.

I have a broken/chipped tooth. What should I do until my visit?

The first step is to schedule an emergency dentist appointment. If the area is painful, you should treat yourself with over-the-counter pain medication. Keep your teeth clean, too. Your gums may be exposed and vulnerable.

How can I relieve pain?

You can use over-the-counter pain medication to help reduce the pain. There are also gels that can numb the area. Brushing and flossing your teeth, as painful as it may sound, can help remove food and reduce pain also.

What happens if a filling falls out?

If a filling falls out, the first step is contacting our offices to schedule an emergency appointment. After that, you can find over-the-counter dental cement to cover the gap while you you’re waiting.

In a pinch, you can also use sugar-free gum to cover the area, but make certain that it’s sugar-free.

How should I treat swelling?

Swelling is most likely caused by an infection. Keep the area as clean as you possibly can. Use heat on the swollen area to bring the swelling down. If you are having difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention.

Dental Care In Tyler, TX

If you’re looking for family dental care in Tyler, TX, contact Philley Dentistry today to schedule an appointment.

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